
There are many reasons for this situation

Put the poison package into a backpack, looked distant deterred killer bees, I forced in the past to take a step again, just some fighting, although it is very thrilling, but also very exciting, very fun, kind of strange pleasure I first t…

he felt the march nothing suffering soldiers

When the vast flat plains in the army before the soldiers involuntarily cheered face fatigue is also instant excitement replaced. The even money separated and others exposed the smiling face at full speed, rushed to the front. . Released f…

but why I also feel the sweetness

Money not leave looking cold, quietly watching any handsome, flushed any handsome, his cohorts an enemy in this war could not kill, and have actually sacrificed 40 people, the thought of this, any The Shuai feel shame. Published chastiseme…

rest of the Qin Feng station together somewhat

Office door, Qin Fenggang want to knock on the door, I heard there came the sound of a middle-aged man. Teacher leaves you ah! "Answered his is a very women features soft voice:" Huazhu Ren, how do you come! "" Oh, this is not a concern fo…

then if Raymond brought under control with

This is a two battle between the 14-game winning streak, but has attracted a lot of attention. www. fact, Huang Yan has been very strange Ordinarily, the day today, it has produced a full 12 many 14-game winning streak player. So imagine, …

but to the entire town sent a notice

Led the members of the family, Huang Yan also evil awe-inspiring and very happy to go back toward the direction of family registries. The small truth did not expect to cover the deception of the celebrated skateboard action at once, turned…

Huang Yan with the idea struck a that runner

Not far away from the gate at the right, is the home of Chen Changjun. Seems to feel yourself going home, A yellow very excited. Has yet to Chen Changjun doorstep, Huang Yan saw Chen Changjun was standing in front of their own walking back…

the total every time he patriarch shot it

PS: Well, yesterday, tomorrow morning, there should be a chapter. =========================== Continue dividing line of the code word ================== ========= If a battle before the war on such a thing has happened, then in fact the ou…

will not want to brisk walking a few steps

The next morning, the sky is just dawn, the sun had not yet risen, Yue Bin will have to get up. - ==== - Out of the room, and came to the house, Master Meng is not up yet. The mountain breeze breeze brought coolness blowing people very com…

just the promulgation of various regulations

Many restrictive provisions, is slowly improving. In order to avoid to kill each other, and to avoid further tragedy, engage in action to avoid driving force behind another new regulations are introduced. Into conflict between the Union sh…