will not want to brisk walking a few steps

The next morning, the sky is just dawn, the sun had not yet risen, Yue Bin will have to get up. - ==== - Out of the room, and came to the house, Master Meng is not up yet. The mountain breeze breeze brought coolness blowing people very comfortable on the body. Here mountainous mountain mist than a month Kawamura rich a lot, from afar a hazy, vague able to hear the beast roar came from the mountains and depths. Standing in front of the house, Yue Bin yawn, stretch, do two deep breaths of fresh air in the morning to make him feel not say comfortable. Over the past few days to run around, Yue Bin did not have a good rest. Take a nap now, I feel a lot of spirit, but some of the body's muscle soreness, which is a few days too tired sake. Stretch a double body, Yue Bin see to the mountains in the distance, layer upon layer, only see the shadow in the morning fog, the underground passage in mind: it really is, deep forests, listening to the sound of the beast roar, seems to be a strong look , do not know what a ferocious beast. Thought for a moment, Yue Bin in front of the house of drug-po, turn a circle the distant bush hidden in two rabbits, has been observed with Yue Bin strangers, see Yue Bin walk around, quickly got into the bushes years, the the grass burst of shaking Lane. Yue Bin looked the bushes smiled and quiet in this valley, his heart feeling very calm. Close your eyes, seem to be able to hear the sound of the mountain breeze. So close to nature, he never had. "Call -" Yue Bin opened his eyes, spit Zhuoqi, "has not done for a long time to exercise can do can not be abandoned. Ponley swim Dragon Fist, thanks to the body to do to protect the body does not have enough strength. practice ponley swim Bruce, just a joke. www. "while thinking, Yue Bin it in the garden next to the open space of this drug, and the place to get on the ground, start with push-ups. He's very slow, and the last few days of intermittent, his speed is not too fast, so as not to strain the muscles. Each of the ups and downs, the action is very standard, the body is always the straight collapse, like bold concrete has been poured out. Call - call - "Yue Bin speed faster and faster, with the increase in the number of old feeling, the body has been recovered. Gradually, Yue Bin face and upper body has been covered with a fine sweat, body pores open, breathing the fresh air of the morning mountain, like by the moisture of the nutrient solution, Yue Bin not only did not feel tired see his face wearing a smile, this exercise seems to have become a kind of enjoyment. "Whew - four hundred." Yue Bin finished the last one, toe point, jumped up from the ground, the muscles of the body remain just feel slightly sore, but no tired feeling. Yue Bin good mood, mouth hung laugh, underground passage: It seems that push-ups, but also to increase the strength of the job. The body can withstand the limit, it seems that once again expanded. Well the red body sweat clean braved a wet hair Air Max 95 UK, Yue Bin cleaning the open space in front of the house again. Master Meng seems to go out for a long time, the open space in front of the house, scattered leaves and grass, and even some animal droppings. Cleaning to just half, slamming open the door "squeak" Master Meng came out from the house, to see sweeping the floor, Yue Bin, smiles with satisfaction: "Bin sub, so early up ah." Yue Bin Chong significantly Meng master smiled and said: "Well, at home used to." Meng master smiled and went to the well to wash, while walking, said: "habits still live here? have what it takes to and I said, do not see the outside, the future here is your home. "Yue Bin promised soon Women's Kensington, looking at the back of the Master Meng, my mind touched. The simple within two in the trough to eat some breakfast, Yue Bin followed by Master Meng, Wang Qianmian peaks walked. He came to the moon cases, and the moon were only a pharmacist's apprentice, or need to see a sovereign, and take some of the ceremony. Came to the front on the Hill and down the ladder to continue up. Walked about half a stick of incense, and the ladder to the end, in front of a suddenly see the light. I saw in front of them, the open space the size of a football field, even about the size and trough. Around in the open space, stocked with more than a dozen weapons rack, at this time, there are some people in the open practice. Everyone are the soul of the beast possessed, Yue Bin looked at everything Zodiac. Special animal soul, exposing the animal soul Mami, let him look stunned, feels like into the zoo. Look at this look like, supposed to be a martial arts field. Yue Bin hearts illegal channels. Three houses after the martial arts field, located in the middle of a considerable scale, red walls and green tiles, carved doors and windows before the main hall and arranged twelve a the people embrace thickness Hongzhu, Yue Bin suspect to what temples within. Hung together gilt gold plaque, the words "moon Court," the three characters in that middle of the hall, on the lintel. Merely the baptism of time, and that the plaque already become mottled. Yue Bin into the martial arts field followed by Master Meng the venue is practicing so many Meng division Fuxing Li, everyone also noticed this strange faces in Yue Bin, a time all eyes, it touches all concentrated in the body Yue Bin . Greeting the audience's gaze, Yue Bin feel a bit uncomfortable. Master Meng to go in no hurry do not delay, nodding hello to everyone from time to time, Yue Bin had honestly followed, will not want to brisk walking a few steps. Suffered a good while suffering, in the eyes of everyone. Master Meng finally with Yue Bin through the martial arts field, bypassing the moon Court, walked to the back of the house. Came to the back of the house, and rows of low houses. Low talking about here, just and tall moon Court to see this high housing Zhang Xu, arranged in neat rows, but not how decorative, but some look shabby. From time to time to The the dress wearing moon disciples were out of the house, it seems this is the moon were disciples of the place of residence. Master Meng with Yue Bin, in no way meant to stop, walked introduced the Road: "who live here, just as our moon were part of the disciples, a pure concentrated practice preferences disciples, living in another hilltop. generally not a big deal, is rarely to come here. "Yue Bin secretly nod, the heart gradually clear: Master Meng said that the radius of three hundred years, a total of twenty-four hills, are the site of the moon were Air Max Classic 91 Mens, it seems There should be a disciple living fishes. Such a calculation, and the moon were the disciples, the less they have three or four hundred people, has not exactly small. Suddenly, Yue Bin seems to think of what the hearts secretly surprised: the moon were so many disciples can only be regarded as the third-sectarian. Sectarian the beast soul continent three, how many disciples? Yue Bin walked, while secretly scared, forget for a long time, did not come to an answer. Seeking recommendations! ! !