the total every time he patriarch shot it

PS: Well, yesterday, tomorrow morning, there should be a chapter. =========================== Continue dividing line of the code word ================== ========= If a battle before the war on such a thing has happened, then in fact the outcome, are already without suspense. Originally strength in a relatively weak side nebula Court and its reinforcements in the Thunderbolt secretly arranged a family reinforcements. So Dragon world and the devil's wing of the coalition, it is no surprise no risk to break the nebula Court resident. Huang Yan in this advance to decide the winner of the harvest only the outcome of the battle is to understand the specific mode of battle by the family of the resident. In addition, Huang Yan did not even able to directly involved in the fighting. Using the words of the family members, it is the "patriarch that you have such a strong, but also to disturb them, ah, these opponents did no exercise value." Huang Yan I thought too, originally launched one of the purposes of the family war Exercise family. So, after the Thunderbolt Sure enough, as about and solve one reinforcements, Huang Yan will be happy to stand behind the match. After the battle, will be more and more frequent, the total every time he patriarch shot it. Even then, some of the less important battle, even the command will put the rest of the family cadres. So, as soon as possible to adapt, but also a good choice Canada Goose Women Kensington Parka. Family resident battle mode, and fighting in the wild is different. Compared, the attack on the family of the resident's difficult to be more larger. When the time to reach the Huangyan Shen Please attacks, all the family members of Dragon Wings of the world and the devil, when entering the family resident Chuansong Zhen, there will be a new choice - nebula Court resident, also battlefield seat. Nebula Court resident, temporary emerged a large area for the attack party gathering. The same time, between the attacker and the defender, has also been a long wall to separated off. Finally, in the center of the nebula Court resident, the resident stone of a relationship between the success or failure of the entire battle. Attack the party's victory conditions, is the elimination of the family members of the defense side to less than ten people, or destroy the resident stone. Because even in battle, the family resident within the building are also can be used. Family resident built Chuansong Zhen fact nike air max uk store, the defense party can take the initiative in the wrong situation retreat. Of course, by this later reinforcements also can Admission like to attack the party through the entrance behind him, ready to reinforce and retreat like. Of course, both reinforcements are limited. Attacking reinforcements must be carried out declared war on the members of the family before the defensive side of the reinforcements, you must be a member of the family of the defender, or its allied family members. Attack the entrance of the party, is determined based on the number of war the two sides and the gates on the walls. For example, the Dragon and the world and the devil wing attack, because the attacker, a total of about four thousand war, and the defense side, more than 3 000 war, so a total of ten gates for the Wings of the Dragon of the world and the devil family members carried out the attack. See the walls, and the gates to set the time, Huang Yan, you probably understand the reasons set. For the soul of the body, the higher the level, the future do not need to leave the city from the more distant. In that case, if there is a declaration of war, other family and family members outside leveling is likely too late to back within the stipulated time of. This limitation with walls and gates, the defensive side of the family, you can use a small number of elite troops, the attacker to block in the city outside, then wait for the follow-up reinforcements began to arrive. Of course, this point limit for the the Dragon world for now and not much hampered. Break of more than six months, the the Dragon world's family members level up much, but the Heart and skills, including the equipment, but is there not a small improvement. One hundred family served as the vanguard of the Dragon and the world elite, very easy to break through the defense of a city gate. A battle after the victory party 12 seconds will be protected, so take advantage of this time, the the Dragon world's elite, very easily have reached to the the nebula Court resident internal disrupting their defensive formation, giving subsequent attacks members, providing a better opportunity. While the evil and awe-inspiring, the suit directing the Demon wing elite also broke through one of the gates in the same way. With two such gaps the nebula Court side's defensive formation, soon to become fragmented. Disrupt the formation, the advantage of the defense side, it becomes less obvious. Although the defensive side bonus of 20% of the abnormal state resistance, but would have less people they then run into the individual strength of this stronger than their opponents, last plus heart arrhythmia, and therefore the whole fight, and soon to the end Canada Goose Foxe UK. People come to support two families, in Xianshibumiao after all have fled from the nebula Court family Chuansong Zhen out. This is clearly a victory in the battle, then the, nebula Court promised benefits, the end must be unable to fulfill the. Well, they have no reason to stay here and die in it? So, the Dragon and the world and the devil's wing coalition just to get rid of a few hundred people, the opposite team while chaos then whirring Lala, more than a thousand people to run away from the Chuansong Zhen. Not do not want to run, but Dragon Wings of the world and the devil's family members to the circumference. If it was before, maybe Huang Yan also put these people on a horse, but now, because of the relationship of the task, Huang Yan, naturally will not hesitate to. Thunderbolt and three of his teammates, is naturally the first time along with his army to escape with the withdrawal of the battlefield. Really stay in the battlefield, and even Dragon world elite shot, can there Demon wing it? Their strength, Huang Yan's team is so perverted, to see who can destroy. Because there is no direct participation in combat, the fighting began, Huang Yan has been paying attention to the action Thunderbolt. It can be said, the other side of the escape, and Thunderbolt also have a great relationship. As a powerful figure in the nebula Court, even he ran, and that the rest of the people desperately What else can we expect? In this way, the Dragon and the world to be expected than Huang Yan much lower the price, very smoothly won the Nebula Court. As for the the nebula Court patriarch nebula dream, unfortunately too prominent, and the family of elite Dragon Wings of the world and the devil eyeing. The end, the good money-making patriarch, he painstakingly accumulated wealth, so white sent the hands of Huang Yan.