just the promulgation of various regulations

Many restrictive provisions, is slowly improving. In order to avoid to kill each other, and to avoid further tragedy, engage in action to avoid driving force behind another new regulations are introduced. Into conflict between the Union shall not be more than three Union melee. Union agreed more than ten cases, two Union can force to resolve conflicts. Thereby circumvent the Union jointly fighting. Contradictions need personal fight to solve, not so harsh mandatory. As long as three Union agreed between the parties can be the use of force to resolve. The apparently limiting Alliance grow, seems to avoid the emergence of the uncrowned king. However, the immediate situation, but also full of the drawbacks. The battle will occur from time to time, but has been legalized. In the end Air Max Classic, into the Long Island, are the representatives of the forces of the parties, are outstanding young men and women, everyone is very conceited and arrogant. The emergence of such a provision, they would like to see both limit large forces, but also in the legal battle, they reflect the extraordinary. Just a few day, above the Long Island simmering, dozens of coalition quickly completing the formation, there are few people who did not join the Union. Of course, a special case is certainly some rumors unfathomable strength Nike Air Max Triax 91 Mens, has entered the depths of Long Island. Xiaochen out from a hidden cliff, and came to a bed of roses spiritual valley. Exquisite bloom the Yaocao floor, bamboo Chui Pik more Feipuliuquan, yudai creek, Bik small lake, can be described as beautiful scenery. White small beast lazy and helpless between lay flowers, so many days since the little guy troubles incomparable, every day be the barbecue aroma greedy xiaochen mouth Flows, but it can not enjoy. Last time to drink the nectar of life Air Max 2010 II UK, it's small belly stretch chubby month not digest the face of delicious it can only watch helplessly. Looked like it often mouth Flows, Xiao morning feeling particularly funny, practice period, Xiao Chen gave it a name called Keke wanted called "", as pleased when it always Oh laughing, and finally take a similar sounding name. Three skull this time since the repair has been no small breakthrough, because the little beast threw their sinking life crystal. Initially, Xiao morning to see the three of them to absorb rocket crystallization and some worry, after all, they are but Diablo biological, afraid to clash because the relationship of the energy property. However, the observation that, there was no need to worry. Not imagine the kind of spirits of the dead, the soul of light eternal, there is no difference between the human soul and the unusual sense, even more than the average person's soul force is much more powerful! A life nectar crystalline but refers to the size of the section is so, but it contains the purest element force can not imagine not also worse than a dragon crystal which go. Is a crystal so the three skeletons crossed a practice on the road to a natural moat. Original, they are entering the slough where realm, but is very unstable, sometimes after intense fighting, or even fall under this realm. Directly into the slough where the two heavy days the white skeleton Guangrun crystal many jade-like luster. More importantly, they have some strange changes, like a lotus flower imprint on appear a Zhuangruo the three skeletons of the frontal bone, can be issued through the beginnings of SG. Vaguely, xiaochen think the formation of the Road of the stigma that benefits are enormous for the three skeletons, and perhaps most of the essence of life nectar crystalline cohesion there. You can become a real master, they have been able to with xiaochen contend with powerful enemies out. These days the outside world how changes not known xiaochen, he decided to go out to take a turn, but this time without the three skeletons, they too conspicuous. Alone walk through dense forests, he returned to the patch of familiar zone, and soon discovered many anomalies. Soon, Xiao Chen finally know the recent things made him acutely aware of the pros and cons of the Union as well as the survival of regulations formulated. The surface above the Long Island with the constraints, but the battle seems to be fully legitimized! Despite sneak stealth many repair by area, shortly after he was found the whereabouts of his portrait had been depicted above in animal skins banner, some people have seen. Heard people even more, he had been to a merciless fire out half Shuren Valley, Xiao morning now count on a celebrity. Now that you have been found, Xiao morning but fortunately no longer hide the whereabouts of courage to start walking in the mountains, fighting has been legalized and can not provocative revenge, he is actually very looking forward to Zhao Lin children personally to seek them legally decisive battle with him. Soon find someone on him, but not Zhao Lin children, some people want to pull him to join a Union, rejected Xiao Chenwan words. Since then, from time to time, someone appeared, several Union offered an olive branch to him. However, Xiao Chen graciously declined, he also did not want to be tied in a Union. Until it came from the snake-like dragon-infested Not far away, Xiao Chen had stopped in her tracks, because it was looking bad stopped him, turned out to be barbarians youth strong kaeo. "Coincidence, we meet again." Xiao morning with a faint smile. Kaeo the gloomy face to the pole, the last time that war was a shame for him, he had just learned that Xiao morning into this area, they immediately find the door to. But although he defeat last in that war, but the ancient beast soul in the body gradually converged with his body, let his frustration chagrin, while gradually began to produce a strong self-confidence. He desperately wanted to war again, washing away the shame of once xiaochen. Today is a rare opportunity! "This time I want to tear you!" Cale muffled growled. Three-meter-high body, Lin Ying exceptionally terror. "It is said that the fighting has been legalized, we need to find someone under the witness?" Xiaochen fearless demeanor even some relaxing. "Of course!" Although Cale has the innate bestiality, but did not dare mess alone, after all, just the promulgation of various regulations, he may want to do the first people to destroy, maybe really are caring people do articles, and lead to fatal disaster. Repair by many of the area, the message the first time be spread out, the spot three Union creator, they agreed to a duel can be carried out. However elect than Doo venue needs, this area distance too close to the snake-like dragon, the need to stay here to avoid upsetting fierce dragon. News in the fast spread, which is, after all, the emergence of the Union, the introduction of various restrictions, the first legal battle occurred extraordinarily interesting! The time is not long, gathered hundreds everyone in the new battle grounds, to a dozen Union, but also more people to come here.