but to the entire town sent a notice

Led the members of the family, Huang Yan also evil awe-inspiring and very happy to go back toward the direction of family registries. The small truth did not expect to cover the deception of the celebrated skateboard action at once, turned out to have been so good windfall. "Huang Yan, you finally said, and then with this world aspect back to investigate, what does that mean? We can take this opportunity to exterminate dream paradise it I thought, as long as this reason, plus not less circumstantial evidence, we really went to attack the dream of paradise, should not cause a violent reaction of other family ah. "Huang Yan, the last suddenly put the dream of a horse, evil and awe-inspiring, very puzzled. "How, evil, itchy?" Huang Yan know two families has been a long time no fighting evil awe-inspiring now, I am afraid very much want to go to "bully" other family. Speaking, Huang Yan, in fact, also want to get involved, the Dragon and the world from its inception, has been in the enemy was strong to the weak state initiative that is completed it a few times in the family upgrade tasks. Remaining basically in a defensive state. The small truth the Dragon world has finally become the "strongest small town", do not go out to bully the other family, I feel it is a little pity. Moreover, not fighting for a long time, I am afraid that there will be a certain degree of degradation in the combat effectiveness of family members. Are impossible and compared to the actual fighting and fighting monsters, including the usual training Canada Goose Women Camp Down Hoody Jackets. "Do not worry, evil dream paradise, sooner or later we must fight. However, since it is absolutely necessary, then we will have to maximize the benefits dream of paradise, but also much more play role Caixing ah." In evil stern eyes, Huang Yan sinister laugh. Evil awe-inspiring to know that whenever the Huang Yan exposed this expression, said Huang Yan calculating others. This is the two get along after a long time, the evil stern found. Yes, Huang Yan is now counted the dream paradise. What happened today, has given the world of Dragon created the opportunity of an excellent attack dream of paradise, but Huang Yan clever change through the last month that the time of the attack the dream of paradise. Originally, in the case of Huang Yan has other family in the small town are posted notices, also caught a this Dreamtracker, regardless of Huang Yan, willing or not, must immediately attack to dream paradise. Otherwise, it will damage the prestige of the Dragon and the world in a small town. But Huang Yan last word, puts this must immediately attack the situation to resolve the become ready to attack. This difference, but very large. Now, fighting the initiative, has mastered in Huang Yan hands. When you do not want to attack, on the pretext that the truth has not thoroughly investigated can be, this is not As for too much damage to the prestige of the family. Want to attack, an investigation is completed, true, plus lies in the hands of the world aspect, it will always be able to attack the Dream park. "Huang Yan, to be honest, you in how calculations Dream Paradise?" Evil stern Huang Yan idea, but very interesting. "I also can not say that is calculating it, just want to dream park to provide more help." Huang Yan answer, let evil stern confused. "How could, Huang Yan but we are going to play them alas, they may also provide us with how to help? Stupid Dreamtracker, can not think that we will miss him after all, but to the entire town sent a notice. thing, you are not also arranged to carry spread it? In this case, the dream is impossible to strike a reconciliation to us. "" Oh, yes, I did not take the initiative to provide what help we intend to Dreamtracker I want to, but is really a need to raise their family for some time. "Huang Yan explained doubt make evil stern. Butcher Well, not all have fattened scrapping? We can not just born yet grew up pig to kill it, that is too lose. Of course, this is built on the basis of the strength let fattened pigs run away, otherwise, it is asking for trouble. Huang Yan will be the fear of not being able to control the dream paradise? The answer of course is no. Said Huang Yan, also slightly worried, then see the dream performance today, the last trace of concern of Huang Yan also disappear. "Dream of the park, there are a few other family, now has entered into the most critical stage of the impact of the c-class family when we play them, exterminate most, but also is a d-class family., But if wait a time, that we can exterminate a c-class family. distinction between these two, but great just to go to the Academy of the road, you and I have said it, we promoted a level family riding foot stone of thing. "" Oh, yes, you did say that the original, you would like to upgrade to the c-class family, and then go to exterminate them ah laissez-faire paradise for Dream. Huang Yan You did very insidious. the "evil stern patted the DYNAMICS laughed. "Insidious." Huang Yan, some silent, to this insidious how can they say it? Jealousy Women's Canada Goose Thompson Jacket, evil stern must be in envy their wisdom. Thought of this, Huang Yan suddenly calm. His jealousy, it is stronger than his Well, ha ha. "Although we are away from the b-class family, there is still a long distance, but we now want to upgrade a level family began to prepare. Then began to do the task, and that the time spent on too long, too inefficient I guess, Although we are just c-class family, could not open the upgrade a family task, but we now exterminate the other family, will be counted in the number of tasks. upgrade c task difficulty to judge Canada Goose Women's Aosta Bomber Jackets, I am afraid we upgrade a class family, at least to exterminate a very large quantity of c-class family, or - to exterminate the b-class family! "said the last look of Huang Yan Some dignified. Just exterminate a large number of c-class family, but fortunately, the small town now, soon emerged many c-class family. To exterminate the b-class family to complete the task, it may be quite troublesome. "I do not Guannameduo, if you really need the b-class family in order to complete the task, and then find the madman Vale do opponents. Anyway, we both sides sooner or later have a decisive battle." Evil awe-inspiring this touches does not care. Because evil feel awe-inspiring, it is too far away, and now even upgrade b grade family feel a lot of trouble then. "Also, huh, huh." In talking and laughing, Huang Yan and evil stern with family members, returned to the family of the resident. Update the fastest ..... net pen literature [. Net]